How do I order prescription eyewear from Safpro?

Safpro, in partnership with Globus, offers the Riley RX prescription safety eyewear range. Here's a concise summary of the process:

  1. Contact Safpro and asked to be set up as an authorised user on the Riley online portal.
  2. Once you have received your login details, you can log onto the online ordering portal to log and print an order form
  3. The employee (prescription wearer) should take the form to Vision express (we partner with all the VE outlets across the UK)
  4. The optician will then send the form back to the Riley laboratory.
  5. On receipt, the Riley laboratory will manufacture the eyewear and send back to the optician (takes approx. 2 weeks from receipt of the order form).
  6. The employee will be contacted by the optician who will book an appointment for the employee to return to the opticians to have their eyewear dispensed
  7. You would receive an invoice from Safpro once the job is complete.

Download the Riley Ordering Process Guide here.