How do I register for an Optimise Account?

It is important that users are set up correctly for ongoing orders. Please complete the form to request access to the Optimise portal. 

Which module do I need access to? 

There are two modules on Optimise. 

Optimise Stock is typically used for bulk ordering.

Optimise Pack allows you to order per person. All staff on Optimise Pack are allocated to a product wardrobe for their role e.g. warehouse.

Do I need administration access?

Administration access gives you the ability to edit details such as adding new employees and amending delivery addresses. Please note, you must have administration access to be able to add new recipients.

What access level do I need?

There are four different login levels on Optimise. 

User Login & view your approved product range & order history. Visibility of your role-specific range only. 

Supervisor Management of a team or depot. Supervisors have the ability to order for staff that are located at their depot and don't have access to any other locations. 

Area Manager Ability to access & view staff within an area (i.e. North & South), or for managing multiple teams.

Manager Full visibility & access to all aspects of Optimise. You can see details for all employees across all areas of the company, and have full access to the reporting module.

Please note we may require email approval from a designated contact at your company in order to set up Supervisor, Area Manager and Manager account requests.